I too bought a T2 to replace my PSR3000..I immediately missed the compact size of the 3000, I prefered the screen on the 3000, the T2 screen I found very sluggish and would fly past a page I wanted in an effert to get to a particular page on the fly, I hated the rickety ratchet sysyem on the T2's screen and worried that over a period of time it would fail...so I kept my PSR3000 and still enjoy performing on it...sold the T2 at a loss but feel I did the right thing...the massive difference in cost between the T2 and the PSR3000 compared to the fairly small audible perception from my audience made it a rash and costly decision to purchase the T2....If Yamaha built a compact instrument along the lines of the 3000 with the sound of the T2, it would be a winner.