Ian .. I can relate... very much in fact. I was badly injured and out of work for quite some time a few years back. It took a while to get "back on my feet" both in the literal sense and financially as well. So..when I was able to, I bought a PSR2000, but at the time I had really wanted a 9000 pro.

In retrospect, the 2k ( my second one ) was a great board for the money, and did everything I expected of it. I just didn't like the way the keys responded to my playing. My first was a bug filled nightmare that my music store took back ( they agreed ) and I then got a Motif instead.

Then, later when I could, I purchased another 2k used, which I later sold again in anticipation of getting a Tyros. Then for a short time money got a bit tight again, and when that ended I dumped a ton of money into softsynths and apps.. a decision I've never regretted.

So finally I caught up enough again to get a T2. I didn't "need" one, but it feels so right when I play it, just like the Motif ES does. The MZ2000 also has a similar feel. The PA80 does not, so it's a bit of an adjustment, but not at all a problem. Anyway, I convinced the grandkids to take the PA80 instead of the MZ2000. They are thrilled with it. Plus, it's in the living room, so when I just wanna play something with speakers and no computer around, I can still play it.

Perhaps if I ever tired of the T2, and Yamaha offered a 76 key PSR version or a speakered version with the T2 keybed, I might bite. ( no I know it probably isn't happening so I'm not waiting around for it ). The thing is, I generally don't tire of boards that work well for me, which is why I kept my M1, Polysix, ( still have both but now in software ) and more recently my PA80 for so long.

Regards to you, and enjoy the 3000. I know it rocks, 'cause the 1500 I tried surely did.
