Originally posted by Fran Carango:
Maybe Nigel should call this place TyrosZone, instead of Synthzone....

Fran. Considering the fact it's your best bud Donny himself who initiated this now 150+ posting "Tyros2" themed topic thread, seems like you (18 replies) & he (37 replies) may be a reason this is becoming "TyrosZone".

Originally posted by Dnj:
Or maybe even call Scott Yee Zone being hes top poster

Ok Donny! I'm certainly not going to complain if 'you' want to call this the Scott Yee Zone but it will always remain: Nigel's "Synthzone General Arranger Forum" to the rest of us.

Originally posted by Dnj:

& top super slueth aka buzy body

Super slueth (aka Charlie Chan) perhaps
Buzy body?! I'm primarily kept busy discovering many wonderful new exciting things I can do with my Tyros2, like: creating & importing custom TVN (WAV) voice samples, allowing me to further expand (and improve on) the already terrific T2 preset sound palette. In spite of all the negative T2 remarks made by some here, Tyros2 (like fine wine) just keeps getting BETTER for me. Donny, I'm only sorry you didn't keep your Tyros2 long enough to discover all it has to offer us as professional musician-entertainers. Though I appreciate what the PSR3000 and Tyros1 continue to offer, Tyros2 delivers (in both sound & features) so much more, and I can't imagine going backwards.

- Scott