This post seems to be getting a bit silly.
I've only just joined SZ and already see loads of posts like this one.
At the end of the day who really cares if a musician needs a Tyros 2 or not, it's not the end of the world.
Everyone has diferent tastes and bank balances, some people love Yamaha sounds and styles others like Rolands, Korg etc.
I only got my T2 because to my ears the sounds, styles and features for the money were exactly what I was looking for.
I'm sure DNJ already having had the T2 in the past knows what he is missing and if he doesn't use the features that are missing then he is better off with a 3k anyway.
It's the same for everyone, if you are happy with what you have then forget what others think about it. There will always be someone out there to tell you that your keyboard is worse than mine or you should have bought this make or that etc, just enjoy making music with what you've got, that's all what matters to me.
Yamaha, Roland, Korg, Gem, Ketron..... each to their own!