Originally posted by Fran Carango:
I decided to read up on the importing of all these junk products into the USA. Come to think of it most of Yamaha junk is coming in from here too. http://www.made-in-china.com/

hmmm . . .

Yamaha Tyros2: Made in Japan
Scott Yee: Born in the USA

In reality: Many of the products made in China are very HIGH quality American brand products simply produced a lot cheaper in China. The simple reason: cheap offshore labor & lower environmental protection standards there. Until America & Western nations wake up & stop the major corporations from moving jobs offshore, hiring cheap (aka slave) labor, the trend will only escalate. For better or worse, Ameria's insatiable appetite for quality goods at cheaper prices than can be produced here will continue. China is quickly emerging now as the world's leading 21st century economic superpower. Ok folks, we'd better start learning how to speak Chinese.
