Diki, I reread my posts and substituted Roland for Yamaha...and guess what? I still don't see why anyone with any maturity would get upset..

The problem lately is too many people here are uptight and most likely have inferiority complexes...Why else would these people be so quick to attack individuals personally?
It is one thing to comment on plastic and steel[or Yamaha and Roland] products..You would think one was condemning a person...Get it together everyone...This is a discussion group..If you can't laugh at yourself along the way ..you are far to serious to be with people that enjoy life...So get a life[a happy one] or get out of our way..because we are here to have fun...There is tension in all aspects of our daily lives..this site should be our relax time..and when called upon , time to help those that ask...

I am done here now, maybe I can find something on TV to amuse me....This thread doesn't...