Originally posted by pasadoble:
I too bought a T2 to replace my PSR3000..I immediately missed the compact size of the 3000, I prefered the screen on the 3000 ....

If Yamaha built a compact instrument along the lines of the 3000 with the sound of the T2, it would be a winner.

That "winner" may be in 3000's replacement thats coming out soon.

I'm very curious as to see/hear what the PSR3000 replacement will feature that could be different enough from the 3000, without its features/functionality being very much like the Tyros2. Doing that, at a PSR price would anger a lot of T2 owners.

If its nothing more than harmonizer improvements and fine tuning of voices and styles, it won't do me any good.

[This message has been edited by MrEd (edited 08-30-2006).]