Originally Posted By: ianmcnll
I don't know what Yamaha have to do with Roland's BK-7m design flaws (and/or omissions), so why bother bringing them up, unless it's another smokescreen to hide Roland behind...that stuff gets tiring real quick.

I could tell you what "gets tiring real quick", but then I'd risk losing one of my few remaining friends on Synthzone. I say, give it a rest. The guys that are actually BUYING one could care less about this issue and besides, there probably aren't three people on this forum that use a digital piano as their primary instrument for gigging; and if you're in the studio, you probably have SOMEthing with a pitch bend lever or wheel on it.

Sorry guys, but I had to take some Milk of Magnesia this morning so I'm already nauseous.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]