Originally Posted By: cgiles

The guys that are actually BUYING one could care less about this issue and besides, there probably aren't three people on this forum that use a digital piano as their primary instrument for gigging; and if you're in the studio, you probably have SOMEthing with a pitch bend lever or wheel on it.


Hi again, Chas,

Now, to address the more topic-pertinent part of your post.

If you read the features of the BK-7m, you will see that it says it's intended for midi-capable pianos...actually it says' "midi-capable pianos" first, so we can gather it's much like the ingredients on a food item, so the most used ingredient is first. wink


Maybe, just maybe, people on this forum are not using a lightweight digital piano as their primary instrument for gigging, is because there aren't any that have professional enough arranger features to make the player want to use one.

So, with a BK-7m, those who enjoy using 88 keys could finally bring a piano to their gigs...they certainly are light enough, even for old farts like you and I.

However, there are those who like to use a pitch bender for guitar, sax, etc...other keyboard based arrangers have BOTH a pitch bend wheel/bender and a pitch bending pedal function...why would it be too much to ask for Roland to provide such a simple, yet effective solution to the 99% of digital pianos that don't have bender/wheels/paddles/?

If these points are not brought out in discussions, how will Roland be aware of what players actually need?

As it's been said earlier, they don't ever do customer surveys, so, this, and the Roland arranger forum, may be the only place users get to speak about what they'd like to see on the next module (maybe they can even update via software?).

Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.