I just tried recording a style into Sonar using the USB midi connector. It all worked! Please be aware to keep the channels discrete, you should receive the channels individually into Sonar, so set up a track for each accompaniment part which you are going to record, then save this as a template, so you can use it again and again, each time you wish to record a backing from the BK7m. It will also retransmit the keyboard information it receives, if you select global for the soft thru on the BK7m. Be careful through that you are not trasmitting from your controller keyboard on the same channel as one of the style parts transmits to sonar on, otherwise you will merge that data. You may also wish to consider setting the BK7m as the master clock source.
Vin, the information is also transmitted out of the standard midi ports. I got them to play into my G70 to check.
Rick, I am not sure what your controller keyboard is, but it would appear you are also transmitting from a PK7 at the same time. If this is plugged into an Atelier with the dedicated cable then it should send out the pedal messages automatically. If you are using a controller keyboard like the A800Pro, set the midi merge destination on the A800 to midi out, and turn on the merge switch on the side, then it will retransmit the midi information from the pedals to the BK7m.
Now here is an amazing thing. This all means you could stack togther 3 A800-Pro keyboards in a three manual setup, and a PK pedal board, and all can transmit into the BK7m simultaneously, by using the input merge on each A800, and setting a different midi transmit channel for each. Fabulous! All of that can also be retransmitted to a PC via USB from the BK7m too.
Thanks for your compliments too!
Edited by Sweentech1 (05/05/1110:39 AM) Edit Reason: typos... I really am fed up with wireless keyboards! tey miss out half my letters
Roland G-70, FP-4, BK-7m, SonicCell, KC-350 x 2, DS-5 x 2, A300-Pro, Sonar X1 PE, BR1600CD Yamaha HX-1 System 1, KA-20x2