It would indeed be a blast to meet up! November is the busiest time of the year in my store, so it is very unlikely I would get time off during that period to travel to events and festivals down south. March would have been a better bet if only I had known! If you could make it to Glasgow in November though, be sure to look me up, and I'll take you through what I consider to be great about the BK7m. I could even link it to both a T4 and a A800-Pro for you to see it in action. I'll even make sure the kettle is on for a nice cuppa too! You would be very welcome.
Mark, I can see there are a few people out there who are having some problems and are considering selling, but you are still looking at a VERY small sample group. I know that last month I sold more of these units than all the Tyros 4's, PSR910's and PSR710's my store has sold in the last year (added together.) The biggest problem for me at the moment is getting enough stock. My customers are currently in a queue to get them, deposits or full payment already down.
I know this won't be the case everywhere, but my store is one case in point. There will be others.
From those that purchased it last month, I have had one customer back for some technical assistance in using it with their Tyros2. It turned out the problem was they had it connected to midi out B rather than A. Quite simple really, though not immediately obvious to them.
When a new product comes out, people do have second thoughts sometimes, but you need to look at the bigger picture. How many people purchased a PA2x and then sold it on quickly? How many people purchased a PSR-S710 then sold it on? How many people purchased a G70 and sold it on quickly etc etc!
I bet there were a number posting on forums the world over. However, I also bet you didn't get a true picture of the sales of these units versus how many were sold on, as the sample you see is very small. I also wonder if the people who purchsed the 2nd hand units sold them on after a short while too? There are definately a lot of happy customers out there, who on the whole will be silent (in terms of postings to internet forums) as happy customers are less likely to report their findings on the internet.
Sure Roland have designed this with electronic accordions in mind, not just the V-Accordions. But it is also aimed at people who have an older (in particular though it could be a recent) model keyboard or organ like myself. It is also suitable for guitar synth users, home piano users, stage piano users, churches etc etc. For all these instrument users, it gives their possibilities a make-over. For these reasons I am sure sales will continue to be strong.
Let's see what happens in the long term. I for one am very happy with the sales of the unit so far, and at the moment my customers seem to be very happy too. Long may that continue.
Oh by the way, so far I have not had any returned.
Edited by Sweentech1 (05/04/1101:31 AM) Edit Reason: typos
Roland G-70, FP-4, BK-7m, SonicCell, KC-350 x 2, DS-5 x 2, A300-Pro, Sonar X1 PE, BR1600CD Yamaha HX-1 System 1, KA-20x2