Originally Posted By: DonM

Ian, I agree with you that the styles sound more detailed and balanced. I think they have all been redone. Even the OTS are mostly different. I feel they are also e.q.d a little differently but I haven't really looked at that.
I was looking for something light in weight and easy and quick to set up. Not sure the BK is accomplishing that because I must carry a vocal harmonizer, laptop and external screen to get to everything that the Audya or Tyros 4 has in one package.

Thanks Don...I was thinking along the same lines regarding the EQ'ing of the various style tracks...someone said the older styles sounded better in the BK-7m as well. Did you try any, and were they better?

I used Roland modules for several years, but, although they were very transportable, I really prefer having all the things I need in one instrument. Setting up is faster, and the whole setup tends to look sleeker.

I won't be buying a BK-7m, but I will be recommending (or at least mentioning) it all the same, not just because it appears to be a handy little rig, but also because it's the "only game in town" for those wanting a module. We don't see Ketron gear in these parts.

Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.