Hi Technicsgiedrius

Thanks for explaining what you were saying again. I have had very little time in the last couple of weeks to do more demos. There's 6 on my you tube channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/Sweentech1?feature=mhum )though which you are welcome to view. All have been posted in this thread at some point. I have a day off today, and if I get some time later, I will post more. Unfortunately, there's lots to be done around the house, and it's also the first day I have had off when the sun is shining this year! However, I'll see what I can do.


Roland G-70, FP-4, BK-7m, SonicCell, KC-350 x 2, DS-5 x 2, A300-Pro, Sonar X1 PE, BR1600CD
Yamaha HX-1 System 1, KA-20x2