chas, I am quite amazed at your comment that it is only suitable for a nursing home considering how you all wanted to put a bullet in my head for my Rihanna demo...... It was all a bit too modern for you lot!

Mark, I think your money will be well spent. In my opinion the module is very well priced. Here in the UK they are streeting at £765.00. This is excellent value for money in my opinion.

Ian, you opinion about a style creator on-board not being available is valid, until you realise that very few people actually use such a facility,that not including it helps keep the cost right down. For heavens sake, it is less than half the price of a G70 or E80, sounds better, has more new fresh styles, has pianos directly from Roland's grand piano series etc etc. I bought one immediately having seen it at the NAMM show simply because it is great value, and of course it's killer attribute, it weighs ol 1.7kgs!

The make-up tools make the instrument very tweakable. This is what makes Roland instruments great. I think that some people just don't get that, yet they are making sweeping statements without trying it out for themselves. I appreciate that some have purchased it and not been over impressed, but everyone has found something good in it. I believe mos people will like it, particularly if you have liked a previous arranger from Roland. To my mind, t offers almost all the features of previous instruments, at a fraction of the weight. Considering most people will already have another instrument, it makes great sense to have a bK-7m. Then there are all the people who use instruments which don't traditionally have arranger backing available for them, such as accordionists, guitarists with guitar Synths, etc. This is fantastic for them.

It is not trying to be everything to everyone. It is not even trying to compete with other arrangers. By being in a price league of it's own for a module, it will succeed, simply because by being small, light and cheap, most musicians could afford it, and it will refresh their existing instrument. I really can't see what there's not to like!
Roland G-70, FP-4, BK-7m, SonicCell, KC-350 x 2, DS-5 x 2, A300-Pro, Sonar X1 PE, BR1600CD
Yamaha HX-1 System 1, KA-20x2