Hi Diki.

The keyboards function is to simply provide you with the platform to run whatever software you want on it seamlessly. Lionstracs are no more responsible for how Live Styler works than how any third party software application works.

If in past times the Bass Inversion function was missing from Live Styler, then back then that was the problem of the developer who wrote that third party application, not Lionstracs. As we can see the developer has included the fuction in Live Styler and it works.

Live Arranger is a different program. It too has the function but when switch on I can't hear the bass inversion. As I said above, this could simply be because it's disabled in the demo version or there is indeed a bug. If its a bug, then a simple bug report will get it fixed. It's not like the function is completely missing.

Either way.... none of this has anything to do with Lionstracs.
