Originally posted by Diki:
So clear it up for me, AFG... is it ME or you that is supposed to remain silent?

Because your post seems to indicate that it is the one responding to the ignorance that is supposed to stay silent, yet here you are, posting once again!

I guess you mean it is supposed to be me responding to YOUR ignorance that is supposed to remain silent, yes?

Or are you referring to the MUSICAL silence by MS owners?

And you think your ranting and raving is really going to make one bit of difference?

You think it will all magically appear and happen JUST because Diki wishes it?

Dom has made great improvements with the OS for the Media Station which I think will make a huge difference. You forget I have not had one for a year, my old one I got back yesterday, and the graphics card (required to run the new OS) is yet to arrive.

What I will say to you is that if you keep going like this, the forum can forget about any further input from me. At least on THIS forum (SZ).

To be blunt, just shutup and wait, just like everyone else is doing.