Sorry, James, but I am SO far past GM/GS, it isn't even funny... Maybe ten years ago, you could have substituted one GM kit for another, done some rudimentary balancing, and you would have been good to go. But today's modern drumkits, even in those lowly closed arrangers, are FAR past simple GM/GS. There are, for starters, about four different samples per note in even my G70. So, you have to match whatever substitute kit to carefully cross-switch at the same point, to roughly the same type samples. No small task, just that. Then there are non-standard 'ghost' notes, ruffs, tom-tom flams (some velocity switched, some on separate notes) and a host of extra sounds well outside the GM/GS standard. That's WHY modern arrangers sound so good... there's MUCH more detail and nuance available. But it comes at the cost of standardization.

Trust me, it's NOT laziness making me reluctant to do this. It's EXPERIENCE. I have taken DAYS trying to get a Korg groove to work on a Roland. They don't have similar samples, they don't have similar note maps, and they don't have similar crossover points. Korg (as you well know) have some SERIOUSLY groovy beats, especially in that modern, 'smooth' jazz format. But go in and take a look at the kit, at the samples. NOTHING like GM/GS whatsoever. Which is why it is such a PITA to translate.

I'm sorry, but perhaps it is YOU that is the lazy one? My standards for style translations must be MUCH higher than yours! I want nothing less than something that sounds AT LEAST as good as the original. And preferably a LOT better. And, I'm sorry, but I just don't see anything other than legacy, one sample per note, simple styles being easy to translate.

I am, of course, MORE than willing to WATCH you prove me wrong. But you had better start to take a serious look at how modern TOTL arrangers are voiced in the drumkit, just for starters. If you think finding a good substitute in a GIGA soundset is going to be easy, you are sadly mistaken. GM/GS is history. That is a good thing for us with closed arrangers. But bad news for those of us trying to make TOTL translations...

My G70 has about 50 drumkits in it, all of which have at least SOME kind of non-standard mapping. For translated styles to work properly, please explain how it is going to be easy to provide one to one mapping, including velocity cross switches, for 50 drumkits...

I didn't think so...

You honestly have barely scratched at the surface of coming up with the sounds to do justice to a complete closed arranger's soundset. This isn't a case of having ONE good acoustic drumset. It is having a whole Roland arranger's worth of them. Oh, and a whole Korg arranger's worth of them. And a whole Yamaha arranger's worth of them. Etc., etc.. They are all different, and all completely incompatible without major surgery. Kick your OWN arse before you take a swing at mine...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!