Originally posted by abacus:
Hi Spalding
Yes you can change the Acoustic Bass of a Korg style (Or any normal voice) with a better quality Acoustic Bass voice from a VSTi, however you can’t just substitute and ordinary Acoustic Bass (No matter how high the quality) for a Mega Voice Acoustic Bass, as the voice you choose has to have a similar set-up to the Mega Voice.

Most people think Mega Voices are just ordinary voices with a few extras added, however they are NOT, they are specifically engineered for style play on Yamaha instruments. (This is why (Just like SA Voices) you don’t see many Mega Voices released, whereas ordinary voices are aplenty)


Maybe the problem can be different..
Most of the standard arranger have oonly OR at max 8 trcaks patterns.
1) drums
2) percussion
3) bass line
4) chords
5) Chords
6) melody

For resolve the limited tracks on chords/melody, the only way is to develope SA voice ( layered sounds) for getting many sounds system on the same track.

On qranger fortunally we dont have this limitation, unlimited audio-midi tracks for each pattern.
The qranger structure is always based on 3 mode tracks propiety:
1) drums
2) bass
3) melody
this mean that you can create unlimited audio-midi tracks and set under the desidered system propiety.
In this way for example, you can use a normally .gig guitar in one track, then create a new track and use a Noise.gig guitar sounds and mix all together.
Boh...this is just a possibility..
I leave the others to choose how to develope a audio-midi styles, the qranger is full open for make the all what you want.