Originally posted by Diki:

..Every time Linux gets changed, there may be issues. Every time Wine gets changed, there may be issues. Every time a software VSTi (originally designed for Windows) is updated, there may be issues. No-one is taking the rest of the picture into mind when they make changes.

Are you talking about Windows?
Windows95>windows98>Windows2000>WindowsXP-SP1> XP-SP2>XP-SP3>Vista> windows7>...how many years we have more to waiting untill Microsoft can release a STABLE+working OS?
Do you think that the all VSTi are there full working nice too??

Are you able to running the native Gigastudio3 and also 1 simple standard ASIO host?? Or more shame...rund one ASIO host/DAW and then tell me IF you are able to play one standard Mp3 with VLC, mediaplayer...
IF windows is so perfect, why then nobody there is not able to running 2 or more application at once?

So..if the bigger Microsoft company is NOT able to release a definitive and stable OS, it mean that they still are working for continue fix the OS too, same for Linux, Apple and so on. http://www.driversupdate.org/asio-drivers.htm

IF you don't like to follow at the new PC technology, just remain to play your old embedded G-70, T3, PAX,Audya...just look inside and you will see the same hardware recycled from 10-15 years...

Now is released out the USB3...do you think that the all device there will working perfect? Again we have to waiting that the all company fix and release the new drivers too.
Is a compromise..IF you choose one Open system you have also to follow the all upgrade issue, if you choose one standard embedded system, you will remain stopped at the same pont for many years.

The question can be the same...why to buy the new Apple Ipad when already give ton of others and less cheap possibility?

James..same for you...why you have buy the Iphone where you can made the same calls with a simple 20 USD Nokia? I know... now you like browser Internet on the MS connected with the Iphone USB network..

Anyway...enjoy what you play.