Originally posted by ianmcnll: I'll believe all their hype when I hear it....meanwhile Korg and Yamaha will continue to raise the bar.
What bar are you referring to? Besides the Korg Oasys being a great synthesizer I haven't seen Korg set any bar within the last 20 years since the M1. Unless you count Yamaha conjuring up fancy names for multi sampling and and overcharging for dated technology setting a bar, Yamaha hasn't set any bars either since the DX7. Then again the DX7 didn't set any bar for sound as FM technology had already been available years prior, Yamaha just mass marketed it in a $2,000 instrument.
While you and others may buy into the hype of Mega Voices and Super Articulation, I know that's nothing more than marketing hype. I've been using multi sampled sounds with real time switching on my Fairlight since the 1980's. Fairlight truly set the bar when it came to an instrument that sounded great, was intuitive, and was upgradeable. When Roland, Korg, or Yamaha develops a system that is as intuitive, upgradeable, and has a sound quality that rivals 30 year old Fairlight technology, then perhaps they might be setting a bar. So far that hasn't happened yet.