Originally posted by Bachus: Seem you have no clue at all what a megavoice is, and what we are trying to explain...
Just put any one style of Yamaha up without megavoices... which is the majorrity of their styles... And then setup James best Gigasamples and VST's and compare them.
Yamaha will loose big time.
And if you want to compare styles with megavoices... just send your T2 to someone with the right software and a few hours of time at their hands to convert all those 23 megavoices intoo gigasamples.
With that archeived the MEgavoices will be equall to the megavoices on your T3, but because all other sounds will make your T3 pale in their shadow, the style Mediastation should sound way better.
i agree with you,
you can set the velocity on extreme sampler editor to 32 layers and sample the sound, so you will not miss anything.
Another technique is to use your midi events editing. there you can see how each note sounds when you change sound velocity from 0 to 127 in different notes, this way you can very easily find the layers for each note.
make such notation and set the velocity zones as your notation on extreme sampler editor. it takes time but certainly to do
[This message has been edited by AFG Music (edited 04-28-2010).]