"Fran, answer me this question, if you will?

If you haven't already tried it, why don't you play a style from your G-70 on your Mediastation, after re-voicing it to the latter's best sounds, and tell us what instrument makes it sound the best?


Ian, I have already done that...the G70 won hands down...

but.....I only have used the default Yamaha vst...and not the "best" sounds possible...
I used this combination with Live Styler..

Now that I have the new Arranger program, that plays native Ketron as well as Yamaha styles without conversion...I want to finish a better GM bank than the Yamaha VST offered..I think NI Bandstand will be a lot better than the Yamaha VST..(2 gigs compared to 2 megs sample size)...

For as often as I care to use styles...even the Yamaha vst was good enough to get thru the seldom used arranger feature in the band...

As I have mentioned often, I rather use a stripped down style or even just the drums and play left hand bass....In this respect the MS Q-Arranger works for me (with Giga samples)..

Even though I am not salivating over the need to use arranger play..It will be interesting to me..to develop a better GM map....also for the playback of sequences..(that I find a better performing method )...