That's a cop-out, James, and you know it. The MS itself was sold for YEARS without any ON Bass capabilities as an arranger, plain and simple.
Who CARES where the fault lies?
The fault exists. That's all that matters.
It's no good going 'the MS is a great keyboard' if the software you run on it sucks. The keyboard is the gestalt of the hardware AND the software. No-one goes 'the Audya is great hardware, just the software sucks' or 'the T3 has great effects hardware, but the OS makes using it difficult'. They just go 'The Audya sucks' or 'The T3 sucks' (just examples, don't flame me! ).
And if the MS can't do ON Bass chords, either with its' own software or third party software, it isn't a good arranger. Period.
When someone steps up and fixes the issue (why Dom didn't do it years ago beats me), THEN, and only then, will you be able to say it's a good 'arranger'. But until then, excusing the fact that it ISN'T on someone else other than Lionstracs (they are the ones SELLING it, remember) when Lionstracs COULD fix the problem themselves is a cop-out.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!