because diki did not read my comments on page two of this thread. then here again one of my comments on his behavior: ------------------------------------------- D-I-K-I:
1-Diki be careful with your ridiculous language use.
Sorry to say this. with that language use is only one place YOU diki cAN mAKE SENSE, and that's the zoo FOR YOU.
2-you have no appreciation for people. it's not about the MS or other tool here, but how you approach people. James has played in a short time demos. but you have no appreciation for it.
We have a saying in our country:
The best response against an to ignorant people, is the answer of silence. a man is respectful and keep secret his mistakes when he speaks less.but the more he opens his mouth the more mistakes he makes known.
sorry but you talk a lot. Every time you talk about something, i see how well people have thought to make that saying.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I repeat this because you put my name in your text with your own wrong and accused words and disgusting imagination and idea.
but for change behavior is never late, even with your age your age.
[This message has been edited by AFG Music (edited 04-29-2010).]