Being a student of Dave Ramsey we have become completely debt free and if cash has any value we will be fine.
These are is the rainy day we were told to save for.

Many live with the attitude or rationalization they "may die tomorrow so what the heck". The problem comes when they don';t die and tomorrow indeed does comes, and comes and comes...and keeps on coming...
And people owe and owe. I know people who have TWO $400 car payments, various toy payments and claim they cannot afford health insurance!!!!! Amazing.

That said. We don't seem to be doing to bad. Cars are selling homes are being built. Our store is Bout $40k off from last year but will more than a million in sales thats not too terribly bad, However looking forward I think we should buy less stock but the owner is a cash and carry guy He pays cash for everything and pays upon receipt of invoice so he is not effected by business loans and cash flow to pay interest on inventory. He owns over a million in inventory and buys more.

We are not rich by any stretch but we have a nice nest egg we achieved over the years by passing on things others put a lot of external value in like certain cars clothes jewelery and we passed on ALL Extended Warranties. Lets just say our Rolexes, Polo shirts,Harleys,BMWs and Lexus' are still in the bank where they belong and will stay.

WE have everything we need and some of what we want. Right now its financial security. The rich will not be affected by a downturn. They may fire some help and eat out less. Those who work for them with high debt levels are going to eat a lot of soup.

We never bought a new car and don't use debt we cannot pay of in a month. We have learned how to live from the inside out rather than from the outside in and it works. Clark Howard and Dave Ramsey are good teachers.

MY only worry is the FDIC and SIPC solvency....After that its all about gold...

That allow my wife to work three nights a week doing what she loves and I spend 30 hours a week selling musical toys.
Yamaha Tyros 4
Yamaha Motif XS8
Roland RD700
Casio PX-330
Martin DC Aura
Breedlove ATlas Solo