I doubt that the type of deregulation in the entertainment industry that you are talking about is part of a 'Republican' agenda. Unfortunately, I think it stems more from the activities of such groups as the ACLU, for as much good as they may do, I believe sometimes go to far. In these times, if anyone tries to 'regulate' the language and content of TV shows, they are sued for violating freedom of speech.

And I think free health care for ANY individuals who can afford to pay into it is a problem ... because SOMEBODY has to pay for it - guess who...

And let me say that when we talk about the cost of health care, while there are no doubt some abuses, the general public has NO IDEA as to how much money goes into research and development of the medicines and procedures used today that were only a dream years ago ... for example, I recently suffered a torn retina ... I saw some white flashing in my eye and went for a check up and it was diagnosed. The doctor immediately set me up with an appointment with a specialist who did laser surgery to repair the retina the same day ... as I was sitting there looking into this bright light that was being shot into my eye, I could not help but wonder how many years and how many dollars went into the development of that machine ... but I thank God the effort and dollars were spent ...

And I have said in other posts ... before we start promoting the type of health care they have in Europe, we need to talk to the general populace over there .. because the individuals I have spoken to (one a next door neighbor from Germany) do NOT like it and would rather have something else ... including our system ...

As for getting rid of the people who created this mess, I am all for that .. but first, let's find out who they are ... As I recall, aside from the war, even as recently as a year and a half ago things were ok ... Coincidently, we elected a Democrat Congress and things are now where they are ... any connection???


PS ... Any thoughts on my conjecture about Hillary? ... If so, I would like to hear them, in a 'thought sharing' kind of way ...

I have to go pack and get to sleep ... I have an early 4 hour drive to New Jersey tomorrow morning ...
It's been good 'conversing' with you.

t. cool