Originally posted by cgiles:
...especially if you don't read between the lines .

Thank God AAPS (Aging Arranger Players Society) doesn't reflect the attitudes of the larger community of artists and musicians.

And oh yeah, it's very comforting to know that ol' 'Joe Six-pack' McCain, the son and grandson of four-star admirals, owner of 9 homes and 13 cars, and married to a 'hottie' worth over $100 Million, is "just like the rest of us". And with two wars, 940,000 jobs lost since the beginning of the year, the worst economy since the great depression, and eight years of the worst case of government incompetence in this country's history, who better than a good ol' Soccer Mom with a hard-won degree in journalism (after five false starts from five different second-rate schools) and a firm belief in Creationism, to solve our country's problems and restore our credibility around the world. I'll feel so much better knowing that we've got Putin firmly in our sights from her backyard should he raise his head in our airspace.

Oh well, I'm gonna go out and fire up the grill and throw on a couple of those yummy mooseburgers.


I don't believe for a second Jon Mc Cain "forgot" about losing ALL freedom for many years in Saigon, I don't believe 100 homes could make a man like that forget what its like not to eat and live normally without pain.

I do believe Palin did what she did on her own from no where with no "help" from radical types and I don't think she became Governer and began her political carreer holding hands with some American who belonged to a terrorist group that bombed American institutions and to this day has no remourse. I don't think Palin or even Mc Cain took over $100,000 from Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae in "contributions" In fact Obama was the second behind Dodd in receiving contributions.

I know poor musicians and starving artists and people without always believe they will get freebees from the government if they elect the more socialist side. But while they are taking those overseas are planning to to kill them.......and in fact will.

There is no doubt in my mind we will be attacked again if Obama gets elected. Our enemies have claimed they want Obama in office.......Go figure. They got Clinton and spent the next 8 years planniing the largest attack on this country since Pearl Harbor while Clinton cared for the "poor" and "felt their pain" enjoying his interns sexual favors. They tested him with the first WT bombing,,,,he did nothing, They rested him with the killing of our Marines in another bombing...he did nothing...they tested him with the bombimg of the USS Cole....again he did nothing.

The Internet stocks caused a huge stock market bubble and the governemnt benefited with more capital gain income. No on complained about all the surplus money which was wiped out after 9-11....never to be recouped.
We need a military leader now more than someone who will make sure people who cannot afford homes can buy them........

I really believe the American people understand this and will see the light....or if I lived in any major city I would move,,,
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