Originally posted by miden:
Should not have made a comment on this one. And I am retracting it.

[This message has been edited by miden (edited 10-04-2008).]

I would guess you may have wanted to claim its the evil rich who are the blame.

People with even $100,000 in the bank will not spend it. People with millions will not spend it/ Think about how many jobs are affected because people who DON'T use or need credit won't put putting into the economy whether its a Multi million dollar G3
Jet or a new car. They won't be eating out as much, They won't be buying home theater systems,They may mow their owm lawns and clean their own homes, less or no vacations,
They may tear papertowels in half and clean and reuse baggoes bless my wife's heart)
The may not buy thhose $2000 RIMS AND $3000 car stereo. ON and on and on

And guess who looses jobs and pays less into the government, not that that matters much because the top 10% pay more than 80% of the entire government's revenue as it is.

Now tax the guy who has $300k in CDs and earns $36K on his SAVING at a higher rate and his $36 is now 20K....$15 less to circulate creating jobs, But 15% more to the government to PAY those who cannot get jobs..

IT's crazy and about to get much crazier should a guy who will need Joe Biden to stay healthy convince America how victimized and poor they are and how they will save the day...
Then blame it all on Bush when they cannot.

We need to throw EVERYONE out of the house and senate and vote for. Main street people have more sense and a far less affected..

MOST of America is doing ok. I personally do not know anyone who is suffering. My co -eworkers making $12 an hour are doing as well as they can do and are not complaining about not becomeing doctors or Government workers. They accept the choices that made and don;t blame it on the government. But will if they lose their jobs because the owner decided he is better off and will pay less taxes by retiring and selling his inventory at fire sale prices. He already passed on buyng the new car he bought every three years this go round.

Look around its the Frank's Audio Works of the world who employee the most people not the GE's and Boeings. You take from them and they ride themselves of employess first then product,,,,,,,

[This message has been edited by Kingfrog (edited 10-04-2008).]
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