After I retired I thought playing golf every day was a true dream life - so I did that for about a year - boring to the nth degree. I was never a guy who could sit around and do nothing and that life style was killing me. I decided to get a part time job and was hired at a local Best Buy store selling appliances and later cameras. The store I work for hires mostly college students from the two colleges in our town. These kids are the cream of crop - many work full time and go to school full time. Many or on their on -no help from home. These are the folks who are getting hurt - hours have been cut back severly and many of these kids are really having a hard time. My wife and I help out and buy groceries for a few of them and they are appreciateive - but that does not solve the problem.

I don't understand how the "talking heads" on any TV show or radio talk show can keep talking up how much trouble we are in and expect the public not to buy in to it. You know, keep telling the same story often enough and it becomes the truth. I wonder how many people are not spending money because they believe everything being said on the news shows. I can't state exact figures here but the store numbers are down tons from last years numbers - and I imagine that is true of a lot of retail stores.

I have been a small business owner and I don't buy into the credit problem crap being hyped. As long as my bottom line was looking good I could always find money. I bet it is still the same today.

The question was who is to blame. Well, I am not a believer in blaming others but strongly believe in personal responsitility for ones actions. That said, regardless of who "allowed" all the bad loans or lose investment policies the individuals involved were more than ready to take advantage of the situation.

I sure am on board though with replacing every person in Washington. The entire group has failed to protect the country and it's best interests. God forbid we ever have to protect our country on our own soil - I frankly don't see the guts to do so by those who are in charge. Where is the next "greatest generation" coming from?
