For the record, I didn’t read anything in Uncle Dave’s infamous statement (about this thread being a non-musical topic and not belonging here) where he came across as a “self-appointed supervisor.” I think he was trying to say we’re on this site to talk about “music”...and music is something that is joyful, fun, uplifting, and an ESCAPE from painful this crumbling economic situation that we hear about 24 hours a day no matter where we go. Let’s face it, I can pick up any newspaper or watch any channel on TV or sit in on any discussion group if I want opinions on how “the sky is falling” and WHY! I come to this site to get away from that. I don’t even want to be reminded of it in a “thread heading” as I’m going down the list!

I learned many years ago, that talking about how dire a situation is only reinforces it in your psyche and escalates the speed in which it will bring you down. Conversely, talking and thinking about beauty (art, music, nature, Tyros 3, mega-arrangers, etc) will counter what you have no control over. Thoughts make or break you!

So now why did I read these whole three pages so far? Because I thought there would be some real talk on how you folks are trying to work around OR work through this crisis...both as part of the masses of people that are feeling the wrath of a decomposing financial system, and, of course, as professional MUSICIANS.

No disrespect to what anyone wrote’re all very intelligent, you’re all in the “know” and you’re all fully aware of the ball of string that is slowly unwinding. But I have to give credit to Diki. He wrote the only real positive and very poignant statement that no one picked up on (or, at least, no one commented on).

It’s “two” sentences he wrote in one of his dialogues and it's at the end of a paragraph...anyone care to guess what he said?
