Originally posted by cgiles:
Also, I wonder why nearly 70% of college graduates support the democratic nominee while states with the lowest educational level, the worst economy, the lowest SAT scores, the highest percentage of Evangelicals, and the lowest per-capita income, such as West Virginia, vote overwhelmingly for the candidate who proposes $400 billion in tax cuts for the wealthiest individuals and corporations.

Like I said, you get the government you deserve.


You are making two errant generalizations and a conclusions.
#1 a college student getting his "education" in a liberal institution is smart and knows whats best in their 20 years of life Only 6 of them actually conscious and all of them self absorbed. Who is Used to be taken care of hardly having to face REAL life and work. And usually they are too busy drinking and partying to bother voting.

#2 Those in the "red" states who tend to live by a moral ruler are ignorant and dumb although many are far older have lived though good times and bad and are hanging on the last vestiges of a moral society that at one time in their lives was far less self absorbed and greedy. Poverty stricken Who KNOW hardship and still have not achieved anything but promises from liberal leaders.
The same people living in West Virgina when Clinton was President are still there. Obama will do nothing for them....watch and learn, And he will blame the Bush years instead of his own actions to put see that those who couldn't afford homes were able to buy them even though they could not even read the contract......because they went to schools controlled by the liberal government and unions.

Oh and College kids ala youth always were against the "establishment" Duh. Many in their ranks were dopers though. They do not have the life experience to know hardship and They are taking to the streets in hippie garb screaming out for change they have no idea what to change and what it means,They have never had to fend for themselves! Daddy and Mommy took care of them MOST of their short lives. Many have been "on there own" for a whole 3 years and have never had to completelt support themselves!!!

I pray for a depression. I'll be fine. We saved for a rainy day and have no debt.

But there are many people in this country that need to endure real hardship. Those who would rather buy $2000 Rims and make $450 a month car payments than buy medical insurance. People consider it a "hardship" not owning a home. They will soon realize hardship is not having A roof. Study the depression. 60% of the population was fine.

I hope Obama does get elected. A democratic House and Senate, No excuses. A single term President without a doubt. He does not have the experience, or solutions only talk. Biden will be running the country and God forbid he keels over.......Pelosi...

Years ago those in their 50's yearned to be in their 20's. I would not want to be 20 in today's world for anything. The party is over.

It's going to be interesting to watch unfold. I know one thing a President Barack Hussian Obama may never be on the currency but I have no doubt he will be on the Food Stamp.
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