I agree, in the most part. But let us not forget that, while on the OUTSIDE, the media appears liberal (although Fox, Glen Beck and many others would HATE to be painted with that brush!), the people that actually OWN these conglomerates are some of the wealthiest people in the world, with agendas that are more 'bread and circuses' while they mentally rape a young generation.

Deregulation is EXACTLY the reason why there are 40% more advertisements per hour of TV than there was thirty years ago. Deregulation is EXACTLY why language and behavior that was prohibited in the eighties is common practice. Deregulation is exactly why there is less quality children's and pre-school children's programming than the seventies...

And teachers getting free health care... Why should that be a problem? Something needs to be thrown their way to attract the better minds who could easily be making more in the civilian sector for the same level of work (you know how stressful that job can be, these days!). Why not attack the question of WHY the health care system in our country is spiraling out of control with prices... If we payed the same for health care as most European nations, we could AFFORD for them to have this. And I live in the South, where many states have the LOWEST pay scale for teachers in the US. How nice it must be for you!. Health care ain't any cheaper, though...

Yes, there's plenty of blame to go around, on the left and on the right. But now is the time to FIX the problems, not hang the guys who created it. I don't get the sense from McCain that he is the man for the job. Barack may not either, but seems the better voice for change.

We already HAVE had change from the right... More than enough, thank you! We need change from a man that means to change things for the better for ALL of us, not his Keating Five friends and fellow millionaires. Eight YEARS of Republican agenda and here we are. Anyone really think that four MORE is going to fix this mess?
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!