
Hillary Clinton was never really a serious consideration for VP once Obama won the Primary part of this election process. The reasons are many...From the Clinton side, for her to take on a supporting role caused fears within her camp that it would hurt her brand. To go from saying hey, I should be the guy/gal for the job to, well, ok this is cool to to be a VP wasn't appealing.

Really, the Obama people had very little interest in pursuing her because of the massive baggage Obama would have to contend with daily with Hillary just down the hall. Also, relations between Bill C and Obama are chilly at best, and again who would want that combo looking over your shoulder. Too many strings attached to use Hillary at this time.

I do think there's thought towards making her Sec of H&HS so she can assist on a new national health care plan, but in reality-she may feel she can get more down that way...and not be "under" Obama as NY's Senator.

Drive safe!

Bill in Dayton
Bill in Dayton