Originally posted by Kingfrog:
Deregulation is a good thing....Its Freedom.

The problem with both is people seem to disregard the RESPONSIBILITY that comes with both.

Freedom without responsibility is running rampant in this country

As has deregulation......

We need atotal and compete cleanout of the sewer that is Washington even if we have tot thow the babys out with the bath water.

I would LOVE a congress and Senate of Sarah Palins (people who did not like what they saw as citizens and GOT INVOLVED at the local level then continued to get involved,

Her success proves people yearn for "Joe sixpacks" and "Soccer Moms" to reside over the constitution. Not lawyers. Since when is a law degree a prerequisite for public office?

The more people get involved at the local levels the mmore they will have a chance at the state levels and the national levels.

I believe Omaba is in it for himself and to make the history books. I don;t feel a genuine care for the people. I hear it. But I don;t feel it. I felt it from Bill Clinton, I fell it from Mc Cain, I felt it from Regan, I even felt it from Jimmy Carter. I did not feel it from Hillary whom without Bill would not be where she is.

We need term limits in the worst way in Washington. NO Harry Reids, and 20 year elected officials. Two terms and out.....without a big pension for life. DO it like we enlisted in the service. To serve for a few years than move on.

I wasn't going to get involved in this, but this is the most sensible thing I've read.
Too bad it won't happen.