Diki all of doms demos that show how quickly VSt's can be opened and used and also how loops can be created and edited without the use of external hardware have been impresssive. It just the arranger functions that have been less impressive.

I agree with much of what you say To the Genesys. But thats exactly why the MS is aimed at the wrong people .

"Because if some one uses what ever sounds they want in the MS, create their own styles, puts up a demo that is good, and then what would we hear from the detractors, (it is not easy to make styles, how many people would be able to do what you did.......'

The fact is it is not easy to make your own styles,( i make styles myself so i am not talking from a theoretical perspective) it is not cost or time efficient to buy all the best VSTs, edit them , balance them in the styles , EQ each and every style and each and every style variation and compose them so that they sound good in every possible chord type that you might use when playing. In an earlier post relating to the Audya i pointed to a glitch in the brass element of a funk/fusion style where the brass played an odd chord not in harmony with ther rest of the style and this is a style produced professionally and with A SOUND SET DESIGNED SPECIFALLY FOR THAT MACHINE....

The MS could be a great workstaion on the same basis as probably the Neko by Open Labs . Both could be great workstations. But ITS NOT A GREAT ARRANGER ...at least not yet. Dom is going to find it dificult selling what is screaming out as a workstation through and through to a mostly arranger market. Thats really the whole problem . I think the MS has great potential But it is not a finished product in terms of its arranger capabilities although the last few demos have shown that in terms of sound it is getting there. But its user interface and physical layout looks very complex and in itself may have been a barrier to potential arranger customers.

[This message has been edited by spalding (edited 02-14-2009).]