Nice to see you here Dave. No one has any problem with a new keyboard or utilising new technology. No one has any problem with a new company trying to do their thing in the arranger market. Thats all good as far as i am concerned.

My only issue is that you cant say that the Mediastation is whatever you want it to be because that comletely ignors and belittles the skill required to turn that hope into anything resembling reality. YOU HAVE TO DO ALL THE WORK to make the Mediastation whatever you want it to be. And so far for the last 3-4 years that the Mediastation has been promoted on here as the mother of all arrangers, there has been no evidence that anyone ..anyone at all has the skill or money to pay someone to develope the styles required to make the instrument at least as good as what is currently available as an arranger....not even the manufacturer.

The idea that having access to unlimited sounds, style making tools etc will produce a better arranger keyboard is false. Its like saying if i give you enough chisels, saws nails hammers etc you too can build a house !! Importing other manufacturers styles into the mediastaion doesnt solve the problem either as it takes skill to tweak the styles, EQ the sounds, select sounds that are compatable with the style and genre of music.

And please its not that i dont get the Mediastation concept. I do . I am just dying for someone else to get the concept and produce something on it that does the concept justice .