Hi Magic Alfa. Thanks so much for your demo. I congratulate you on making a style on the MS and it certainly shows that you have a good grasp of style making. Please dont take the following words as a put down because i am not trying to do that and i am not trying to be condescending. You cant hear my tone of language over the internet :-) .

The pop style you produced could have been done on any arranger and may in fact have sounded even better on a standard arranger because :

1.It would not have used just GM sounds in the style
2: They sounds would have been more evenly balanced because the instruments have a basic but general EQ setting.

What your demo showed very clearly is that your efforts on the MS yeilded no better results than what you could have produced on any entry level arranger with your skill level.

And for those of you who have truly bought into the open system argument. have a look at Magic afa's file on esnips. In the true spirit of openess he posted a link to some of his work (i believe) here is the link to his work if you missed it. If it isnt his work my apologies in advance

I dont think Magic alpha has aproblem wiyth me drawing your attention to his work as it in openly available on his esnips folder.

I believe he is an experienced MS user. He understands the technicalities of using the instrument etc so no excuses in terms of ability to use the instrument. Have a listen and then honestly ask yourself these simple questions :

1. forget the possibilities....does this sound like a top of the line arranger/keyboard ? Be honest!
2. Does it sound as good or better than the instrument you currently have....what ever instrument that is.
3. Could you reproduce these styles yourself on a basic entry level arranger?

I repeat i am not trying to put you Down Magic alfa. There is nothing personal intended here. The point i am making is that great styles (yamaha level, korg level etc) dont just fall out of the sky. They have to be crafted and making the argument (from Liontracs point of view) that having access to better sounds will automatically mean having the ability to create better styles is just not true. Its not just me making the point, with respect ,your demo's make the point. Enjoy whatever ever you play and please keep making styles and have fun with your instrument. It was very open and honest of you to share your work . Once again thanks.

[This message has been edited by spalding (edited 02-17-2009).]