Arranger, workstation, VSTi setup... You all have got it wrong. They aren't made to do different things. They are all for the EXACT same thing

That's what I don't get. Most seem to have little problem making music on an arranger. And go to any of the sites for WS's like the MoXS, M3, FantomG, etc., there's no shortage of people happy to show the world the music they have made on their WS. Go to many of the VSTi sites, and you'll see plenty of user submitted music.
So where is the great music made on the MS?
You see, very few great musicians are rocket scientists. Although theoretically an MS MIGHT be the right tool for many different jobs, it has to be easy to operate, intuitive to create music on it, and an efficient workflow for it to be picked up by top musicians. I have never heard ANY owner claim these for it! Secondly, if this really IS a great WS (it COULD happen

), few WS users buy arrangers, despite actually being very good in a WS role (they got to get past those arranger controls and the banks of cheesy ballroom and schlager styles!) as long as you make music they are best at.
Look, watch the TV... go out to a major concert. You see very few Neko's out there, too. Apparently, the top pros STILL prefer the ease and convenience of a WS or modeled (or real!) analog synth for performing over even a computer based WS, let alone a computer based arranger... I personally don't believe that the MS is being marketed to the wrong customer. I just happen to believe that the right customer doesn't yet exist

Perhaps those that have great trouble making good music on an arranger might look to this as some kind of technological 'fix' (best of luck with that one), but those that can already make good music realize that a) it isn't what a real arranger is, a content delivery system to assist live music performance, and b) if you need loops, arps and computer based music production, a computer is STILL the easiest and cheapest way to do this. Look how many electronica artists use laptops on stage. THAT is the tool of choice for that market. We are rapidly running out of people that this product IS right for.
It is marketed as an arranger. A vast majority of it's features and workflow are arranger orientated, it is designed to BE an arranger. If it walks like a duck...
If there IS some mythical musician that this product is the perfect tool for making music on, somehow, not one seems to have made it into their hands. There seems to be no shortage of the WRONG hands for this to be in, though. Ergo the demos. Or lack thereof

It's simple. If no-one ever posted any good music, pleasant to listen to, well balanced and realistic sounding, on a T3 EVER, and all the factory demos sounded like Dom's, we would all be sitting around here slagging the T3. But we don't, because the T3 CAN make great music, even in the hands of average players, and in the hands of great players (Yamaha's demos) it sounds fantastic.
I only wish that we held the MS to the same standards. Then maybe, just maybe, Dom might quit making endless upgrades to the OS, and spent his money instead on great sounds and styles that are integrated. Load it up with a standardized set of top quality VSTi's at the factory, EZDrummer, Garritan Jazz Band, Garritan Personal Orchestra, things like that, and then have styles developed specifically for those VSTi's. Then, and ONLY then, will it sound good in the hands of real players, not these mythical 'right people' that mysteriously have not made any decent music on it.
Why do I dominate the MS threads (at least by posting

)? Because I am Dom's target buyer to a 'T'. An arranger user, that also does studio work, works extensively with electronic music production, has experience using and appreciating the power of VSTi's, and uses loops in some production work. The trouble is, of course, this also puts me in the perfect position to realize where the flaws in the ointment are. And so far, the core library, and the styles developed for it are the weak point, and probably contribute considerably to the dearth of decent music posted. I've already GOT a decent VSTi setup. I've already GOT the loop tools I need and use. And if I decide to go out live with that type of music, I can use a laptop to do it.
But if I'm going to ponk down a fortune for a hardware keyboard, it has to at least do it's PRIMARY function, that of being a great arranger first and foremost. Which it patently DOES NOT. Why am I posting all the time..? Because I want it to WORK. I want Dom to wake up and realize that, if the arranger WAS as good as all the other TOTL arranger at what THEY do best, the world would be beating a path to his door. With me at the head of it. But until it does, I can only act as the sand in the Vaseline, the itch you can't scratch, the buzzing fly that won't go away.
And maybe, just maybe, if some of you got off your dream couches, and took an objective look at the reality of the MS, not it's 'promise', 'possibilities' or 'potential', maybe you could encourage Dom to actually pay some attention to what REAL players want, not some mythical player that so far fails to have materialized...