sorry i cant agree with any of this. the technology is not what makes the instrument sound good. It is the musicain, this is and always will be the bottom line. Todays arrangers do not in anyway limit what a musician can do musically with a keyboard, only their imagination limits them. An Ms or Pa2X or T2/3 is not going to make anyone make great music. Its simply untrue that a closed system product limits how good your music will sound. Tbe Mediastaion has been around for at least 3 years or more and the Neko and wersi a bit longer i think. Can anyone point me to a demo on these open systems (either user Demo or pro demo )that sounds better than anything produced on the closed system keyboards Demos like yamaha, korg roland , even casio ?

The technical limitations on paper seem significant but in your ear mean squat.

The premise is false.

Last bit. I am not a technician. I understand very little about midi. I dont need to to make good music. When i am in the studio there are technicians to sort out the technical stuff. I show up plug in sing and play and go home. At home i do everything onboard my PA2X so i never need any other external equipment.I write songs and arrangements all on the one piece of equipment. To make great music on an arranger does not need a high degree of technical skill in terms of programing but if you wanted to you could make sounds that would compete very well with any keyboard/workstation synth. But that requires imagination and creativity. The Wersi , Neko, and Medistation dont come shipped with that.....

[This message has been edited by spalding (edited 02-15-2009).]