I have request from Norbert to add the TCP/IP network messages on Livestyler, in this way we can use the Live styler as Host server without touch the inteface and receive back messages status too.
It will include the all MS arranger section keys available and LEDS status.
8 MS sliders for realtime 8 tracks volumes
8 MS Mute/unmute tracks
SAVE function without windows messages
MS Dial for BPM changes
Basic Jack connection with the GIGA sampler, because the Linux OS isntaller is not able to run and install ASIO/VST windows application.
All this new ASIO/VST plungis must be installed manually, like you do in XP.
in the LS setup then manually you can change the midi port where you like.

The first version here is able to load the styles by the MS Qranger interface, really simple as before.
need only to copy your yamaha styles inside the Qstyles folder and the MS wil display on the patch selector all the styles.