Originally posted by Bachus:
I hope that things like this will be part of the community discovering the possibillities of the MS..... and then sharing thier discoveries with the rest of the community...

This would leave MS with delivering the sounds and tools, and the community with adding new options which can be sounds, styles, tools and even more....
As said before..Linux is a community thing, and so should the MS be...

Advice..... create a MS package that people can install on any PC they want (with standard specs) so they can toy around with the programs and tools and find out more about the lovely heart of the MS...
I am sure that when people get accustomed with the MS and a coupled midi keyboard, they will choose a Mediastation for on stage too.....

Share the software, its what made M$, Intel and IBM what they are now.....And people will buy the hardware....
Give the community the tools... and they will create what the MS needs.....killer styles and aplications....You just can't do it all in house ... The project is way to huge and aspiring for that.

I had this same idea too but is really complex now release a standard PC mediastation distribution, because the all MS code if full integrated and in continue communication with the pannel API: 176 Keys, 340 Leds, sliders, encoders..
when the MS application start have to inizialize the pannel and IF is not found, all crash!

What I will release soon is one Qranger PC distribution for develope audio-midi styles in a normally PC.
More is not possible.