"BTW: Hey Fran, how are you doing with your new purchase? Give us an update. We’re on the edge of our seats."

Maybe he really did kick the bucket?!?..

I'm open to the Mediastation just like I'm open as well to the Ketron Audya. They are both novel, innovative products, and worth serious consideration from folks like us who cherish high-end arranger technology and the innovation that embodies them.

Domenick certainly has shown admirable resilience to our barrage of criticism and negative comments about his "baby", but believe me he can handle it. If he couldn't handle it he would have vamoosed long ago without so much as a "see 'ya later alligator"..

I do think the "pressure" put on Domenick to produce some semblance of "decent" demos of the Mediastation (whether video, or audio only) is a 'reasonable' request by SZ members. For one thing it would go a looooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggg way in providing something that puts "meat" on the table where we could bite into and gain a renewed respect and interest in his keyboard product(s). As I've said many times before "sounds" are thee 'most' important aspect of any and every keyboard. To provide consumers with a product that "compares" to the competition in the sound department is something each manufacturer (domenick included) should try to attain to. Besides, a few good sound/style demos would go a long way to benefit the marketing of the Mediastation. The lack of good or superior sound demos has been the biggest drawback in garnering enthusiastic interest about the Mediastation in my humble opinion. Needless to say, it is up to Domenick to build a machine that will hopefully live up to that ideal. Maybe the Mediastation is already near that level or will soon be at that ideal, but you really can't personally gauge that by the demos that have been posted or released thus far. So in a way, it is a case of "put up or shut up" as Diki has said soooooooooooo many times.

Talking the talk is nice I suppose, as it can cause warm fuzzy feelings upfront; but in reality, it is basically superficial and transient in nature. The other "more important" consideration in the equation is "walking the walk", which needless to say, puts much needed 'substance' to all the talk. And that, ultimately, should be the gist of all the "hype" about the Mediastation, not the hype itself of course.

We're still waiting Fran.
Yamaha Genos, Mackie HR824 MKII Studio Monitors, Mackie 1202 VLZ Pro Mixer (made in USA), Cakewalk Sonar Platinum, Shure SM58 vocal mic.