This post is starting to sound like Diki's personall vendetta against Media station...

We all agree that mediastation isn't everyone's arranger, its meant for creative people that like to make their own music and "styles" and not for people that want an easy out of the box arranger that they can use on the stage without thinking and planning...

Its for creative musiccians that wanna create new things and not for copy cats that just play music others have written.

No offence, but just accept that there are people that want other things in an instrument then you do.

Mediastation has :

-Great sounds (espescially with VSt's)
-Awesome tools to create new things.
-Flexibillity beyound your dreams.

Nothing wrong with that for a creative mind is it?

And yes it is a "Work"-station, the "ultimate" workstation that actually sets an open standard that yamaha and others can't live up to as they want to sell you a new arranger every three years, where MS will atleast have a lifecycle of 15 years.
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.