
Oh, and MORE stable?

You mean, it didn't used to be? And that now it isn't COMPLETELY stable, either?

If I'm on a gig, it has to be ROCK solid. Period.

BTW, is it still completely outside Lionstracs' budget to hire someone that can demonstrate these features in a way that makes sense to MUSICIANS (you know, your target market ) rather than to computer geeks..? Someone that can play, someone that can speak well, someone that can communicate WHY this stuff is so important?

Oh, and maybe someone that can make it sound MUSICAL, too... You know, just in case someone wanted to do more than widdle around on random presets.

If Lionstracs were hiring an outside marketing consulting firm, you would have probable cause for a lawsuit, but this is you doing it to yourselves If I didn't think the product had potential, I wouldn't care, but it saddens me to see such promise whizzed away with such lackluster marketing. Do you for one minute think that Korg or Yamaha would demonstrate a feature like this so amateurishly?

You want to run with the big dogs, you want to BE a big dog, you have to bark and howl like a big dog. Not whimper and moan like this. For Pete's sake, hire someone that knows how to market and promote a product...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!