Originally posted by LIONSTRACS:
Here the MS Audio demos updates: http://www.lionstracs.com/flash/audiodemo.html

I have recorder all today with whmedit on MS.
I make a present...the first song is played from Diki.
I think you will hear the sounds difference from G70 and the MS....
the big work is to remap the sounds on qranger but then you can listen the BIG difference.

The same songs are played direct on roland Hypercanvas VSTi and then on GIGA Soundbank, just for listen the sounds difference.

Dom, I did not give you permission to use my file. You are welcome to link to it at the Roland-arranger.com site, but it is NOT your right to simply lift it and use it on your own website. You'd be in big trouble if you lifted any of the great Roland factory demos, or any of the T3 demos, but somehow you feel MY work is fair game?

And, in the spirit of fair comparison, you included NO information about how the demo was done. This was OOTB. Factory ROM style, factory ROM OTS's, no tweaks of any kind whatsoever. I even randomly picked the style! You want to make a comparison, have someone sit down at the MS and randomly pick ANY style, and simply record what comes out without any tweaking or substitution. THAT was what that demo was about.

Given plenty of time, I could no doubt do MUCH better.But the point is, you DON'T NEED 'big work is to remap the sounds on qranger'.

It already sounds great... Doesn't need a fortune in VSTi's, doesn't need months of work tweaking styles or loops.

Yes, some of those demos sounded very good. And some of them sounded very bad. And there isn't the slightest information up there to tell you HOW any of them were made. With a 'closed' arranger, you KNOW how a demo was made. Whether sequenced or style play, it was made 100% on the internal sounds of the arranger. Without more information, there's simply no way to tell WHAT was doing what on most of these demos.

You see, if an arranger (say the PSR S900) has an MP3 or .wav player built in, you could play a recording of the London Symphony Orchestra, and 'technically', it WAS 'played on an S900' But, of course, you don't see Yamaha stooping to that. For a keyboard as 'open' as the MS is, informing your customers HOW something was produced (in real English, too - sorry, but your halting mixture of techno speak and bad English loses a LOT in translation!) will help them decide if what the MS does is right for them.

It appears you have found some good players with MS's (whether you lifted THEIR work or they did these for you is open to question, though ). But if these WERE produced for you, NOW is the time to ''open the box' have them sit down at an MS, and record something without tweaking. Let's hear, finally, what we are going to get if we buy an MS, and let's hear what we are going to have to do for ourselves afterwards.

We all knew all along what you can do with a bunch of VSTi's. Let's face it, listen to the radio, you can hear that every day, by talented producers working in studios with big computer systems. But for the MS to be anything more than a VSTi player, we have needed to hear ARRANGER produced music. And, sadly, these demos still leave a LOT of unanswered questions...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!