I know I'm flogging a dead horse, here, but I have been saying for as long as this thing has been out...

If the factory can't make great music on it, if virtually none of it's users can make great music on (Lord knows, no-one has posted much that use them on this forum that didn't suck), then the odds are, you CAN'T make great music on it. For whatever reason, if there's bugger all out there that doesn't suck, chances are, you can't do any better...

Put it this way... if you can make GREAT music on an arranger that everybody else hates, then POSSIBLY, you've got a slim chance. Maybe you've got a BOTL Casio, and can make music on it that makes a T3 sound like a toy... You are the PERFECT demographic for the MS.

The rest of us are mere mortals. Just like everybody Dom has ever hired, to make factory demos for the MS.

It's not the CONCEPT that is flawed. It's just the implementation of the concept. Something that already sounded and worked GREAT as an arranger would be perfect to have the 'open' concept added to. But let's be realistic.... If it doesn't start out sounding great and working great, who here has the skill to make it that way? No-one I've heard, yet...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!