Originally posted by abacus:
Of the Hardware Arrangers that were in production 5 years ago, how many are still in production.
If some of them are no longer made, and no updates are being produced, then they are obsolete.
Unless of course the definition of obsolete has changed while I wasn’t looking

You will find many Yamaha, Roland, Ketron etc owners that would disagree with your comment about the PA2x. (In the end it is down to personal preference)

There is plenty of music out there on the MS which is high quality; the problem is your perception, See below
The type of music YOU play is the only type of music others should play, (IT ISNT)
Because of the above the rest of the worlds music doesn’t count, (IT DOES)
Look outside of Florida and its beach party’s, and you will find it is YOU that is the niche market, NOT the rest of the world.
The fact that users around the world enjoy the MS, and it does what THEY want, proves the above point.


