What list, genesys? You say if you get a new arranger, the MS is on the list? With as rabid a 'defense' of the MS as you have just shown (sputter all you want, you HAVE misquoted me and put words into my mouth I have NEVER said), and the obvious awe you hold for this keyboard, what other arranger could possibly be on the list? Nothing else has it's capabilities, not even Wersi.
You would only be contradicting your own statements (and joining the ranks of those who 'obviously don't understand' the MS) if you chose anything else.
Come to think of it, I REALLY look forward to you getting one. Upon which, we probably won't hear word one from you ever again, while you struggle with the problems that are so obvious to most everyone else While POTENTIALLY being very 'open', the skill to turn an essentially empty shell into a gig ready machine has yet to be demonstrated by any MS owner to my knowledge (Serbian players excepted, who basically have no CHOICE when it comes to getting styles for their market), unless they are content to play PSR styles into a PSR sound set.
If THAT is your definition of gig ready, why not just buy a PSR and a V-Machine?
You are completely unwilling to demonstrate what you already DO use, which leads anyone but the most gullible into believing that it compares poorly to what is currently available, and also leads us to believe that, should you ever get an MS (as if there should be any choice, given your worship of it), you will also join the ranks of all those who have castigated us for 'not getting it', while at the same time, completely incapable of posting any music that proves that THEY do....
In FOUR YEARS of waiting, you can count on the fingers of ONE HAND the music that has been made on an MS that wasn't a complete joke (including the factory demos) that got posted here. Given your unwillingness to show that you even can do what you claim on your current arranger, no-one in their right minds is expecting you to show that you 'get it' on the MS. No-one else that owns one here 'gets it' AND posts music to back it up. Why would you be any different?
I am utterly fed up with all these 'theoretical' defenses of a piece of gear that no-one is proud enough of their music to POST IT. Korg owners, Yamaha owners, Ketron owners, Roland owners... None of these make excuses for why they don't post. They are HAPPY to post what they do.
Only MS users (and you) got some kind of reason. We wouldn't 'get it', we 'don't understand the capabilities', there's no one standard for 'good' (if that's not bullshit, what is?! )... All I am hearing is 'It sucks, and we don't want to get caught proving we don't know what we are talking about'.
And only great style driven music, posted by owners, will make me think otherwise.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!