Hi Dennis. I really wish you would provide a full report on the MS as was the original idea a few months ago . I dont know what happened to kill that thread but as Dikki said we need honest and thorough feedback from a musician that bought the MS based upon the claims of the manufacturer and what they found was great and what they found was not. I dont know if you want to try again but you have already aluded to its strength as a VST host . What about its claims as an arranger ? What about the ability to take yamaha styles and make them sound as good on the MS ? What about the stock sounds it came with ? Have you managed to create any styles on the instrument that rivaled the Korg or yamaha ? What were the problems in terms of live play in a OMB situation that you aluded to ?

Its clear that all we are going to get from Dom is an ever lengthening list of functions that get him excited but what got you excited about the MS and are you still excited ?