I'm confident Dom will work it out.., but that's not one of those issues you normally see as a "requested OS fix". Usually you find little annoying bugs here and there in the OS.., but the "possibility" that the user may need to reboot several times is a big issue. It's not just a hinder for live use.., but an annoying issue for studio use as well.

I know Dom will get it fixed.., but that issue would def raise some eyebrows.

[This message has been edited by squeak_D (edited 06-01-2009).]
GEAR: Yamaha MOXF-6, Casio MZX-500, Roland Juno-Di, M-Audio Venom, Roland RS-70, Yamaha PSR S700, M-Audio Axiom Pro-61 (Midi Controller). SOFTWARE: Mixcraft-7, PowerTracks Pro Audio 2013, Beat Thang Virtual, Dimension Le.